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Supervised Study

All sixth form students are required to attend four hours of supervised study per week.  Supervised study sessions will be formally timetabled, supervised by a member of staff and a register taken.  Supervised study is a silent study area and students will be expected to bring work to complete.  The supervised study area (S6) has desks and computer access, as well as wireless network for any students who may choose to work on their own devices.  Sixth form students should regularly engage in wider reading and this area will be resourced with journals, periodicals, magazines and subject specific text books to aid learning.  Any other ‘non-contact’ sessions should be used wisely; the demands of A level courses will require a significant amount of additional study time.

For a programme of study consisting of three A levels it is not unreasonable in our opinion, to expect approximately 15 hours private study / homework per week.  This may be assignments, reading, extra note taking, consolidation etc.  As our average student gets four hours private study per week written into their timetable this should not work out as an onerous amount to do at home.  Good time management and organisation are essential for effective study in the sixth form.